Monday, September 15, 2008


Kelly is walking much better. She is able to walk from her bed to the bathroom in her hospital room by herself now. However, she is still nowhere near 100%. She didn't keep her food down again today. She is still doing a lot of basic neck exercises, shoulder shrugs, turning her head back and forth, etc. It is important to do them frequently to break up the scar tissue, and if done correctly now, will increase her neck mobility later.

For those curious about the tube coming out of Kelly's incision at the base of the neck, I should have mentioned that this is for drainage. There was quite a bit of fluid created by the trauma of the operation. They removed that tube yesterday.

For those following the blog to learn more about the Chiari surgery and recovery process, Kelly wanted to mention that they are constantly checking your blood sugar and may need to give you insulin. Also, due to a significant amount of time flat on your back that could result in respiratory problems, they give three Heparin shots in the stomach each day. Risks of Heparin include low blood-pressure, vomiting and other side effects.

Also, I see our kids hacked us again. Guess I'm going to have to improve that password. Don't let anyone at Devon, especially Internal Audit, know that my password wasn't secure enough!


Unknown said...

Wow, I can't believe how much I missed in one day. Kelly you are amazing! I had no idea you would have to get shots (yuk)to keep everything functioning ok. I don't know if Charlie is reading to you what he is writing but he is doing an incredible job keeping us up to date. It's almost like being there, I wish you were closer so I could pop in to visit and help take care of you. Remember you are still on many, many prayer lists and I am praying everyday for healing and strength.
much love lynne

Anonymous said...

Keep up the hard work Kelly and hang in there. Thanks for keeping us updated Charlie. We'll have to have a refresher on the password procedure and guideline document.

Aunt Lisa said...

Charlie, I guess you know the age-group you need to tap to test your internal controls. Ha! Kelly, I think they give you those shots in your tummy because the medical profession got together and asked "what part of a person's body have we not violated in a hospital stay?" That was the answer- Tummy- ok we'll put those heparin shots there..... Each day is another step farther away from all of this. Know that you are loved and prayed for and we would be visiting you in person if we could! Love, Aunt Lisa

Julie said...

We love you Kelly! If you need a chuckle, think back to the days of Band Camp, Falls Creek, Angel Fire ski trips and Spring Break in South Padre Island. I hope you know that I thank God every day that we sat next to each other in Second Grade (Mrs. Wolf). Keep smiling, even through the pain, and know that we are all with you in spirit. Hugs and kisses.

Anonymous said...

Great news on Kelly walking unassisted, but I am not surprised for Kelly is such an overachiever. I am glad you used a percentage to describe her progress. I used the same measurement to describe Lisa�s status while in the hospital and she jumped me for it. Now, since you used it, I am �out of the doghouse!

I am not surprised that your brilliant children hacked into your website. They are so beautiful and just really good children. I am sure you guys miss them a great deal, but also realize they are having a great time with Grandma.

I wish we could grab the kids and come to New York to see you. Of course, we would need to stop in Manhattan first to play �CASH CAB!�

It was 47 degrees Fahrenheit in Tulsa last night. Matthew just returned from Phoenix where he was attending a wedding and he stopped by to see Aaron while he was there. Aaron had his first medical school exam yesterday and seems to be pleased with the school and where he is living. Matthew indicated that the Phoenician Hotel was great where they had the wedding and absolutely no sinus or allergy symptoms when he was in the area.

Please, tell Marilyn we enjoyed hearing from her and we appreciate the great job you guys are doing as the �A� team.

Uncle Don

Unknown said...

Good Morning Team Wright!

Ok, sorry that sounds like a reality home show.
How are you beautiful Kelly? Hang in there! You have a remarkable husband and Mom taking such great care of you!
Landon & Wes are having fun with the Band fundraiser, I guess they get weoples today...they are going for the limo lunch prize. I guess they have there plan in action so far.

Today's devotion: "A Word about Angels"
"For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." {Psalm 91:11} Do you see that (91:11) that's a confirmation if I ever saw one!:')
I will read all of it to you when you get home! Do your best today!
We miss you all! Edmond 49 degrees this morning B-R-R it's cold out there!
Peace & Grace,
Your Prayer Warrior,
Christine & Family